
對於聞名已久的"深圳水立方國際水療會", 我終於起行出發, 試一下這個場地, 究竟有多好? 究竟有多豪華?
WELL, 由於一連3日的holiday, 嘩~~~ 深圳完全塞滿香港人.
我錯, 我真的大錯特錯, 為什麼選擇假期上深圳?????????????? 一個字說完: 煩!
人太多, 連"水立方"都爆滿人. 我從來沒有試過, 按摩過後是會頭痛和渾身無力的. 人多濟迫的地方, 令我差點精神崩潰.
在這情況下, 我沒辦法中立地給水立方這"休閒中心"下評語. um……. 想試一下高消費的休閒中心, 就去一下吧. 否則, 同類型的選擇多的是. 
不過, 有一個很重要的事情要說:
這是我這兩天在深圳, 人最少最輕鬆的地方 如果像我一樣, 怕人多怕嘈怕煩的話, 請坐落馬州線火車, 那個車站絕對 good good, 人少, 地方寬敞, 過關輕鬆. 即使到了深圳境地, 街上都可以如此清靜. 如果你的目的地不是羅湖商業城的話, 請試試"落馬州"啦! 
本篇發表於 大小姐的事件簿。將永久鏈結加入書籤。

3 Responses to 水立方@深圳

  1. Edmund 說道:

    剛由大陸返o黎, 當然係即日來回啦! 我客人都有問我, 點解我地唔o向落馬洲過關, 我話冇火車, 又冇大巴到廠, 所以都係同人迫o下好o的…

  2. Unknown 說道:

    Amberdigital Branch,Southern Stars Enterprises Co is specializing in the development and manufacturing of screen advertisings, digital sign, digital signages and LCDs. Established in 1996, we have explored and developed the international market with professionalism. We have built a widespread marketing network, and set up a capable management team dedicated to provide beyond-expectation services to our customers.

    amberdigital Contact Us
    Southern Stars Enterprises Co (Hong Kong Office)
    Add:3 Fl, No.2, Lane 2, Kam Tsin Tsuen, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong
    Tel:+852 2681 4099
    Fax:+852 2681 4586
    Southern Stars Enterprises Co (Shenzhen Office)
    Add:DE, 16/F, Building 2, Nanguo Tower, Sungang Road, Shenzhen, China
    Tel:+86 755 2592 9100
    Fax:+86 755 2592 7171

  3. Unknown 說道:

    Amberdigital Branch,Southern Stars Enterprises Co is specializing in the development and manufacturing of mp4 advertisement players, SD card players and advertisement LCD displays. Established in 1996, we have explored and developed the international market with professionalism. We have built a widespread marketing network, and set up a capable management team dedicated to provide beyond-expectation services to our customers.

    amberdigital Contact Us
    Southern Stars Enterprises Co (Hong Kong Office)
    Add:3 Fl, No.2, Lane 2, Kam Tsin Tsuen, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong
    Tel:+852 2681 4099
    Fax:+852 2681 4586
    Southern Stars Enterprises Co (Shenzhen Office)
    Add:DE, 16/F, Building 2, Nanguo Tower, Sungang Road, Shenzhen, China
    Tel:+86 755 2592 9100
    Fax:+86 755 2592 7171
